Coordinate Cities Math Project

We have been working hard in 6th grade recently, having just finished up our three units that focus on algebra. It has been great to see the transformation of the sixth graders! Most come in to these units barely having an idea of what algebra is and they come out writing and solving two step equations and inequalities! The last couple of years I have introduced a Coordinate City Project at the end of these units. Since the last couple of lessons focus on graphing, this one is a nice review of ordered pairs and the coordinate plane! In the project, students get to design a themed city on the coordinate plane. Once their city is complete, they must ask at least three questions that require ordered pairs to answer. The picture here is my example that I use to show the class!

The students always really get into this one! I think it is a combination of being able to pick a fun theme along with the open ended idea of being able to design a city! It is always fun to see some of the the funny and creative themes that they choose. I think the one that made me laugh the most this year was this Miley Cyrus themed city - including the Mall of Miley, Wrecking Ball Ave, and Sticking Tongue Out Street!


One part of the Coordinate Cities that I really enjoy is the creativity it allows for students. After all of the hard work and practice that we do during our algebra units, this project is a nice change of pace for the 6th graders. For my students who finish early, I give them the option of creating a business card to go along with their cities. As you can see, some of the business cards get pretty creative and funny! I couldn't help but laugh at this 6th graders sense of humor!
